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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February Goals

Did a whole month really pass between my blog posts?! It's crazy how quickly the last month went by. I last posted about my goals for 2016 and while goals for the year are great it is also important to break down those long term goals into some smaller goals. A January goals post was supposed to happen but somehow it slipped away from me.

Really quick, [because I want a record of it here on the blog] here are my January goals and how I did with them. Workout 12 times: 9/12, not bad. Drink 64oz of water each day: meh, I had some weeks of no water consumption. Work the WW program: I tracked more but didn't really work the program in meal planning and prepping foods that fit into the program. Blog once a week: oops! Reach 5% weight loss goal: I was so so close to this one. I ended the month at 214 [7 pounds lost for the month!] which is one pound from my 5% goal. She Reads Truth Genesis study: I fell behind and it was just hard to get caught up again.

Now onto the February goals!

Workout 12 times - just three workouts a week and this goal is in the bag.
Track every day on WW app - self explanatory here. I just want to focus on tracking and being more aware of what I'm eating and how much for the month. No pressure for big changes.
Blog once a week
Drink 64oz of water a day
Mail V-day cards - Checking this one off already because I dropped them in the mail yesterday!
Eat breakfast - I've been known to skip breakfast because I'm behind schedule in the morning and really can't afford to be late for work.
8 hours of sleep & wake up with alarm - This will help with the breakfast thing and will also make my mornings less stressful and give me a chance to put a little more effort into my appearance.
She Reads Truth - The lent study is coming up and I want to stay on top of it this time. Time to devote some time to "me time".

What are your goals for the month?

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Friday, January 1, 2016

Got My Shitkickers On

I take the fact that the weeks, months, and years just seem to be flying by as a sign that I am getting older. It does not even seem real that 2015 has come and gone already. Where did the days go when I was a child and time just seemed to move so slowly?

Roughly a year ago I set some goals to make 2015 the year of me. Reflecting on how the year went I wouldn't say that I was as successful as I would have liked but I did make some progress and learn about myself. Sad as I am that I can't say I accomplished all of my goals I can say that I am ready to take on 2016 and my new goals...even if a lot of them are repeats from last year.
A photo posted by Amy (@lnlbyamy) on

2016 Goals
  1. Drink More Water - Pretty self explanatory. More water less soda.
  2. Work the Weight Watchers Beyond the Scale program - The program works when I work the program. Last year I didn't have guidelines and was just trying to "eat healthier" and I found it just wasn't working for me so I joined Weight Watchers. Lack of commitment to the program was the reason for my lack of success. This year I have the guidelines and the structure I need to truly eat healthier but still allow for indulgences sometimes.
  3. Move More - Working out will become a normal part of my life this year. My body can do more than I give it credit for. Time to let its abilities shine.
  4. Tracking Spending, Budget, SAVE! - I fly by the seat of my pants a lot when it comes to my financial situation. I have the money to cover the bills so past that I don't really worry too much. This year I want to do a better job budgeting, tracking where my money is really going, and replenish my savings account.
  5. Organize / Clutter Free - This year I want to establish a better housekeeping routine to avoid cluttering up my counters, couch, and floor. Being on my own I basically leave things where I set them and they're out of my way. But lets be honest, my place looks a lot nicer when I've taken the time to put away those odds and ends. And after completely spacing on a rent payment last year [so thankful for understanding property managers!] I will definitely be staying organized with my Plum Paper planner and fun Plan in Color planner stickers!
  6. Me Time - I tend to have a lot of me time in my life being single and having long distance friends but I want to be a little bit more intentional with some of it by spending time reading the bible and working towards my goal of reading 100 books.
  7. Skin Care - This could kind of fall under me time too but I think it deserves its own goal. Time to kick the bad habits of sleeping in my makeup, forgetting to moisturize, and washing my face less than I should.
  8. Send More Snail Mail - I love to drop a little something in the mail to put a smile on friend's face. Who doesn't like to see something besides bills and junk in their mailbox? I know smile any time I find good old snail mail in my mailbox from a friend.
I've got my shit kickers on and am ready to get started! Do you have any goals for 2016?

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