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Thursday, October 15, 2015


I'm just going to jump right in and let you all know that I am struggling lately.  I set some goals for the month and so far I haven't really done anything to make progress on them.  But like Tammy Jo said today in her blog post while there are things I cannot change there are plenty that I can.

Honestly, I'm sick of repeating the same crap on here about how I'm struggling.  It's the same old crap every time and I am certain that you are sick of hearing it.  Time to pull on my big girl panties and deal with the crap that is what I have made of the healthy living part of my life and get my shit together.

I'm just going to end this here tonight because thinking about what I haven't been doing lately has made me rather grumpy.  So, this is me recommitting to my October goals which I know I won't fully achieve but I can give it my all with the time I have left.

And because yesterday was Wednesday here's my weigh in.

Starting Weight: 224.4
October 2: 220.2 (+2.4)
October 9: 217.0 (-3.2)
Total Loss: 7.4

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  1. You can do it!! Achieving your goals can be hard and everyone struggles! I just came across your blog but I have some goals to hit before christmas time! What workout are you doing1? Maybe we can hold each other accountable :)

  2. So glad you got over the hump! We all struggle just have to remember that today is a new day!


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