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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Turkey Trot 5k Recap

Hi! Remember me? I know it's been a while again but I promise I haven't forgotten about this little space of mine in the blogging world.

The last time I was here I talked about how I was struggling.  I continued to struggle up until Thanksgiving Day.  I ran a Turkey Trot 5k that morning and since then have gotten up before 5am for my first Body Pump class in two months, had my butt kicked with a personal trainer, and actually went into a grocery store to buy ingredients to actually cook something. I think it's safe to say that I am officially off of the struggle bus!

But backing up to Thanksgiving... I completed my first 5k and in a tutu no less! The weather wasn't ideal as it was incredibly foggy and was misting the entire morning. I ran the first mile in 11:35 and then began my run/walk strategy which I really had no plan for. I slowed down to about 13 min/mile for the next two miles. Sure, it wasn't a superstar performance but for my first time I'm damn proud of what I accomplished. And the most important thing to me for this first race was to cross the finish line. But you can bet I have goals for a year from now when I plan to run this same race again. And when I say run I do mean run...the whole thing!

My mom and some other awesome ladies walked (also in tutus) and I was able to cheer them on as they crossed the finish line. So despite the crappy weather it was a great way to start off turkey day.

Unfortunately, sometime after the race ended my Fitbit bit the dust and wouldn't light up at all when it wasn't on the charger despite being fully charged. Rather than worrying about it I chose to take advantage of Black Friday and splurge on myself by getting a new Charge + HR! I felt kind of naked without a Fitbit on my wrist and a challenge going for a couple of days. But I finally was able to pick it up today and I can't wait to put it to good use. I only wish I had been able to pick it up yesterday so that I could have used it to record my personal training session tonight.

I invested in myself by purchasing two one-on-one personal training sessions and tonight was my (second) first meeting with my trainer Chelsea. She definitely kicked my butt and I'm excited to put the information and routine I learned from her to good use. We even had a good chat while I was warming up on the treadmill and discussed some of the mental battles that come with making a lifestyle change. I am meeting with her again on the 16th and definitely want to be able to tell her that I did a good job with working out since she saw me last.

And real quick before this post gets too long... I joined a challenge group hosted by Erica to help with the accountability. It started Tuesday so I'm only two days into it but so far so good. I know it definitely helped get me to the gym Tuesday morning for Body Pump before work because I had told the whole group (plus my mom and friends) that I was going. No way do you want to check in at the end of the day and say that you didn't go.

Starting Weight: 224.4
October 16: no weigh in
October 23: 218.6 (+1.6)
October 30: 218.6
November 6: 215.2 (-3.4)
November 13: 218.2 (+3.0)
November 20: no weigh in
November 30: 221.0 (+2.8)

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  1. VERY proud of you and your Turkey Trot Tutu! :) Keep up the happy positive vibes, my lady!

  2. So proud of you!!! And next year you will DOMINATE that race!

  3. SO PROUD OF YOU!! That Turkey Trot is tough! Especially on Thanksgiving when all you want to do is eat :) You are rocking it this challenge! We are going to get your number down for your next weigh in :)


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