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Friday, August 23, 2013

My Second Favorite F Word

That ecard about sums it up for me right now.  It's only my second day back at work this week so that makes it an extra happy Friday.

On the downside I don't really have anything planned to share on the blog today.  So I'll make a little list of what's going in my head this morning.

:one: I made the switch from Passionfruit to Adproval last night. I don't make enough from ads to make the monthly fee worth my while.  Adproval is very similar but different from Passionfruit but the biggest difference is it's free like Passionfruit used to be.  And I get paid whenever an ad is purchased so no more waiting for pay day. {Be sure to check out my sponsorship page!}

:two: I had a mole removed Tuesday before heading to Minnesota. The area is itching like crazy lately which I'm told means it's healing.  I go in Tuesday to have the stitch removed and hopefully find out that everything was all good with it.

:three: Why are clothes so expensive?  Shopping Tuesday and Wednesday I kept finding stuff that was full price and I was definitely not buying that day. I'm waiting for the price to come down / Christmas to get the items I found while shopping.  I did make a haul at Victoria's Secret though so it's not like I came home empty handed.

Well friends that's really all I have for ya this morning. I hope to plan out posts for next week that include something on Thursday and Friday.  But until then I'll see you Monday with some weekend shenanigans!

Of course I can't pass up the opportunity to link up with Whitney for #backthatazzup. Friday at 5 6 all i'll want to do is put a drink in my hand!

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1 comment:

  1. I haven't herd of the adproval! Can't wait to check it out! Thanks!!


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