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Monday, January 13, 2014

It's been three damn years...

Something you may or may not know about me is that I'm single. I've been single since October of 2010 now so it's been over three years since I've been in a relationship.

Obviously at first the break up sucked and I was sad that the relationship I had spent over two years of my life putting my time and effort into was over. After becoming a little bit stronger every day {Sarah Evan's song anyone?} I was eventually able to look back and see that it really wasn't the greatest relationship any more. Maybe I shouldn't have let it go on as long as it did. Or maybe it was meant to go on as long as it did to teach me something. I learned about what I want and definitely don't want out of relationship, especially a post high school relationship. So for that I am thankful.

Since that break up I tried to see if I could light a flame between a guy from my early high school days. Despite meeting him when I was a freshman we some how managed to off and on stay in contact with one another. We hung out once but that was as far as things went.

There was also the one time date with a guy I knew through one of my mom's previous employees. As well as I thought things went on that date that was as far as it went. It was definitely confusing considering this guy was the one who seemed to be taking the lead and pulling us down the path we were on and then after finally getting to hang out he decided we were "moving too fast" or some bull shit like that. I guess the silver lining to it all was that it ended as quickly as it began so I wasn't hurt too badly.

And then there was The Player. We had been some what friends during my very first semester of college in 2008 when we had a lecture together once a week. After that semester we lost touch and it wasn't until the summer of 2012 that we reconnected. The summer of 2012 is probably one of my favorites. I made so many memories that will last a lifetime. I ended up reconnecting with a friend from high school thanks to The Player and will be thankful for that always. But it was also a tough summer because there were tears and roller coasters of emotion because of him.

Fall rolled around and we lost contact. And then one winter night at a party he walked into the barn and we reconnected again. Not without some drama because he was with a girl, his unofficial girlfriend. Stupidly throughout the winter and spring I let him call me back to him a few times. Of course the unofficial girlfriend wasn't around when this happened. I thought we could be just friends but that wasn't the case based on his actions. I tried to be strong and not fall into his trap but his ways were stronger than mine.

Thankfully I've managed to keep away from him since the last time I saw him despite his best efforts to reel me back in.

Since The Player I haven't had a dating life. And while the majority of the time I am more than okay with being single I also know that some day I want to be married and have a family. And in order to one day be married and have a family I know I have to date and find my Mr. Right.

Which brings me to deciding to share my efforts at dating to light on the blog. I'm not sure when I'll tell you the next story of my non-existent dating life but know that I will.

Side note: I recently watched Footloose {2011} and took the title for this post from the scene in the church after Ariel was beat up by Chuck and she confronts her father about how she's felt since the loss of her older brother Bobby.

Here's the Sarah Evan's song I was referencing at the beginning of the post.

And just for fun here is Leighton Meester's version of the song that she recorded for the Country Strong soundtrack.

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1 comment:

  1. Umm are you me? This has almost been my life verbatim down to the ending a long term relationship in Oct 2010 & the dating a guy who was taking the lead & then decided it was moving too fast. Best of luck to you lady!


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