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Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Look who finally showed up for class! Yay me!

As usual I don't have a lot of time because I was resistant to getting out of bed despite all of the things I wanted to do this morning so I'll keep this short and sweet.

Since my last post I celebrated my 24th year of life {a week ago} and have thoroughly messed up my comeback. I'm talking back to drinking a crap ton of Mountain Dew and no water, not giving a shit about what I'm eating, and being the biggest couch potato ever. Just to get it over with, here's my weigh in.

SW: 207.7
June 11 Weigh In: 204.6
Today's Weigh In: 207.7
Overall Loss: 0

I'm back at the beginning again which is super frustrating but really what did I expect when I just let it all go? The awesome thing is, I can start over as many times as I want/need to. I signed a contract with myself saying I WILL succeed, I CAN do this, and that I AM worth it. So I am not giving up.

Before I leave you guys I want to share a link to this post by the beautiful Ashten from Always Ashten. I relate in so many ways to looking at my workouts as fitness rather than my lifestyle. Workouts to me are about losing weight, "looking hot", and making the size of clothing I need go down. After reading her post I've decided that going forward I'm going to do my best to look at it as part of my lifestyle instead. It's just part of what I [will] do in my every day routine. That's exactly what it should be because as my weigh in proved today if I give up the good habits and revert back to my nasty old ones I will pack on the pounds again.

I have no goal date in mind for when I want to reach my goal weight. I'm on this journey for the long haul here people. However long it takes, it takes. This is me recommitting to that contract I signed with myself.

Did you struggle with having to start your journey over?
When it finally stuck what changed for you?

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  1. You can do this! Track what you eat and move move move!

  2. You've got this! New follower from :)

  3. I have had many starts and stops along the way. I can say that this time has been the longest I have been consistent. I think the thing that really changed for me was that I really tried finding things that would work for me everyday. And that way I didn't have start and stop days. So everyday I really try to do as many things as possible for my health. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy dessert and all that, but I just don't do all or nothing. I think the other thing is that I am really committed to the overall process, and so I just keep trying to find ways to enjoy my life and be healthy in every situation. Anyway, that was a long answer to your question. Leslei


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